
How Sustainable Packaging Can Help Boost Sales

Sustainable Packaging can help boost your company' sales. How? Read on!
February 6, 2023
4 minutes

With phrases like “circular” and “climate-positive” swirling around most businesses in 2023 and reports indicating that 76% of consumers are now seeking out sustainable products to adhere to their eco-friendly pledge, it’s no wonder why more and more companies are switching their plastic-based packaging to conscious, plastic-free alternatives.


A shift in consumer behavior

It’s no secret that adopting eco-friendly practices helps to empower your brand by engaging your audience and building trust. In fact, a recent Accenture study showed that consumers would pay more for sustainable products with plant-based packaging. Still, some of the world’s biggest industries like cosmetics continue to create 120 billion units of packaging each year, 70% of which ends up in landfills.

Fashion is also addicted to plastic. Each year, the industry uses 342 million barrels of petroleum to produce plastic-based fibers such as polyester, nylon, or acrylic. This equates to 1.35 percent of the globe's oil consumption. However, we’ve also noticed a positive shift in consumers’ mindsets that further indicates that sustainable packaging can increase sales.

Sustainable packaging is one of the top five most important practices customers value

We already had a pretty good idea of the stats – a staggering  92% of customers trust a company that supports environmental causes more than one that does not. But in its latest annual study on this topic, Nielsen points out that almost two-thirds (66%) of consumers are willing to pay extra for products and services that come from companies that are committed to positive social and environmental impact. And sustainable packaging was also labeled as one of the top five most important practices they value from a company.


A sales increase in sustainably packaged FMCG products

Sales of FMCG products increase when switching to more environmentally friendly packaging, according to one in three (31%) marketing professionals surveyed by Pro Carton.

This is mostly because public awareness of packaging waste leakage, especially plastic waste, into the environment has increased significantly to an all-time high over the past 12–24 months.


Customers would choose an eco-friendly packaging option at a higher price

Millennials and Gen Zers are now widely aware of their carbon footprint amidst an era of eco-awakening. More precisely, 75% of British consumers want online retailers to offer more eco-friendly materials when packing their orders to minimize waste while also mentioning that they would choose an eco-friendly packaging option at a higher price.

Customers want to see brands remove unnecessary use of packaging or even develop existing packaging. They want to know exactly if the packaging is Industrial or Home Compostable and what they can do to dispose of it correctly.


In conclusion: How sustainable packaging can increase sales

Given that more than three-quarters of people around the world think recycling is important and nearly 80 percent of consumers consider sustainability (of a product, the retailer, or the brand) when making at least some purchases, opting for the most eco-conscious packaging alternative seems like the best long-term decision for every business. While sustainable packaging can be a more pricey option, earth-first sus efforts pay off in increased customer loyalty which translates to more leads and sales.

Let’s not forget that consumers, led as always by young generations, have realized that the planet is in trouble. 77% of consumer products and retail organizations found that sustainability leads to increases in customer loyalty. 87% of buyers will purchase a product because its company advocated for an issue they care about. In simple terms, by determining what resonates most with your consumers when it comes to sustainable practices, you can easily stack up against your competitors. A simple switch to sustainable packaging can improve messaging that builds trust, brand favorability, and ultimately, purchase decisions.